Pool Water Options

Chlorine Pools or Freshwater Pools
Chlorine pools, also known as freshwater pools, are one of the most common types of swimming pools in contemporary times. This is a traditional pool where the water itself does not contain chlorine. Instead, you would have to add chlorine manually in the form of tablets or liquid chlorine. Periodically adding chlorine helps to keep your pool safe from harmful bacteria. You may also use extra chlorine to shock the pool occasionally if too much bacteria or algae grows in it.Saltwater Pools
Saltwater pools have lately emerged as a common alternative to freshwater pools or chlorine pools. Here too, you would have to use chlorine to keep the water clean and safe. However, the process of adding chlorine is quite different. You would have to install a chlorine generator with the pumping and filtration system. This piece of equipment would split the molecules of the pool water into hydrogen and oxygen by passing an electrical charge through them. Now, you would have to add salt to the pool instead of chlorine. Upon reacting with the hydrogen atoms, the salt would create hypochlorous acid, the dissolved form of chlorine.Pond Water Pools
If you are looking for a natural and eco-friendly solution, then natural pools or ponds are a great option. These swimming pools have already been popular in Europe for quite a while. In these pools, you do not have to add any chlorine or other chemicals to kill the bacteria. Instead, aquatic vegetation and plants would constantly purify the water, acting as a mini ecosystem. Known as the regeneration zone, the plant area is like an aquatic garden.Maintenance Comparison
The maintenance costs of a pool are an important factor to consider, as they determine how much you would have to shell out in the long run.- For a chlorine pool, you would have to buy and add chlorine on a regular basis. However, you would not incur any high running costs, except for that of the pool pump and the filter. These are also the cheapest pools to install as you do not need a lot of equipment.
- A saltwater pool requires additional power as the chlorine generator must run constantly. On the other hand, the cost of salt is far less than that of chlorine, making it cost-effective in the long run. Installing the chlorine generator involves additional costs, which means that you would have to pay up more money upfront.
- Installing a natural pool is the costliest as it involves creating the right environment for plant growth and planting the vegetation. The process is also time-consuming. However, in the long run, it would be cost-efficient as you would not need chlorine, salt, or chlorine generators. The maintenance costs for a natural pool includes cleaning the filters and pruning and taking care of the vegetation.
Thus, while some pools cost more upfront, others require you to shell out more money for the upkeep and maintenance. You would have to make your choice based on your personal preferences, budget, and long-term plans. Whichever type of pool you choose, we, at Thrive Pools, can cover your needs and build a suitable one. You may call us at 228-342-0228 to discuss your requirements or fill up this form so that we can contact you.
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